IP2022 Data Sheet www.ubicom.com 21 3.5.5 Disabled Resources If a peripheral is disabled, it does not have the ability to set
an interrupt flag. The interrupt flag, however, is still a valid
source of interrupt.
If   software   sets   an   interrupt   flag,   the   corresponding
interrupt enable bit is set, and the GIE bit is set, then the
CPU will be interrupted whether or not the peripheral is
enabled or disabled.
If a peripheral is disabled inside the ISR, then its interrupt
flag must be cleared to prevent a spurious interrupt from
being taken when the ISR completes.
3.5.6 Clock Stop Mode When a speed change occurs, it is possible for the CPU
clock source to be disabled. The clock to the CPU core
may be disabled while the system clock is left running, or
the system clock may be disabled which also disables the
CPU core clock. When the system clock is disabled, the
interrupt  logic  continues  to  function,  and  the  watchdog
timer and real-time timer may be enabled to keep running.
(For  minimum  power  consumption  in  clock  stop  mode,
disable these timers if they are not needed.)
Recovery  from  clock  stop  mode  to  normal  execution  is
possible from these sources:
External interrupts (i.e. Port B interrupts) Real-time timer interrupts Watchdog timer overflow reset Brown-out voltage reset RST external reset The first two sources listed above do not reset the chip, so
program execution continues from where it was stopped.
The last three sources reset the chip, so software must
perform all of its reset initialization tasks to recover. This
usually requires additional time, as compared to recovery
through an external interrupt.
3.6 Reset There are five sources of reset: Power-On Reset Brown-Out Reset Watchdog Reset External Reset (from the RST pin) Target Reset (from the debugging interface) Each   of   these   reset   conditions   causes   the   program
counter to branch to the top of the program memory (word
address 0xFFF0 or byte address 0x1FFE0).
The   IP2022   incorporates   a   Power-On   Reset   (POR)
detector that generates an internal reset as DVdd rises
during  power-up.  Figure  3-11  is  a  block  diagram  of  the
reset logic. It includes a 10-bit startup timer and a reset
latch. The startup timer controls the reset time-put delay.
The  reset  latch  controls  the  internal  reset  signal.  On
power-up, the reset latch is set (CPU held in reset), and
the  startup  timer  starts  counting  once  it  detects  a  valid
logic high signal on the RST pin. Once the startup timer
reaches the end of the timeout period, the reset latch is
cleared, releasing the CPU from reset.
Figure 3-11  On-Chip Reset Circuit Block Diagram 10-Bit Asynchronous Ripple Counter (Start-Up Timer) R S Q Brown-Out Detection RST VDD Watchdog Timer Overflow   Internal
RC Clock
Time-Out Internal
Reset Signal
(active low)
POR Power-On Reset 515-023.eps Clear WUDX2:0