IP2022 Users ManualInstruction Set Architecture
System Control Instructions
A system control instruction performs a special-purpose operation
that sets the operating mode of the IP2022 or reads data from the
program memory. Included in this category are the following types
of instructions:
speedchanges the CPU core speed (for saving power)
breakenters debug mode
pagewrites the PA2:0 bits in the STATUS register
loadh/loadlloads a 16-bit pointer into the DPH and DPL
iread/ireadireads a word from external memory, pro-
gram flash memory, or program RAM
iwrite/iwriteiwrites a word to the program RAM
fwritewrites the flash program memory
feraseerases the flash program memory
cwdtclears the watchdog timer
Instruction Pipeline
An instruction goes through a four-stage pipeline to be executed,
as shown in Figure 3-2. The first instruction is fetched from the
program memory on the first clock cycle. On the second clock
cycle, the first instruction is decoded and a second instruction is
fetched. On the third clock cycle, the first instruction is executed,
the second instruction is decoded, and a third instruction is
fetched. On the fourth clock cycle, the first instructions results are
written to its destination, the second instruction is executed, the