Instruction Set Architecture—IP2022 User’s Manual 74 3.2.2 Instruction Types The   instructions   are   grouped   into   the   following   functional
Logical instructions Arithmetic and shift instructions Bitwise operation instructions Data movement instructions Program control instructions System control instructions The   following   sections   describe   the   characteristics   of   the
instructions in these categories.
3.2.3 Logical Instructions Each logic instruction performs a standard logical operation (AND,
OR, exclusive OR, or logical complement) on the respective bits
of the 8-bit operands. The result of the logic operation is written to
W or to the data memory location specified by the “fr” field.
All of these instructions take one clock cycle for execution. 3.2.4 Arithmetic and Shift Instructions Each arithmetic or shift instruction performs an operation such as
add, subtract, add with carry, subtract with carry, rotate left or right
through  carry,  increment,  decrement,  clear  to  zero,  or  swap
high/low  nibbles.  The  compare  (cmp)  instruction  performs  the
same operation as subtract, but it only updates the C, DC, and Z