IP2022 User’s Manual—System Architecture www.ubicom.com 51 Figure 2-11 shows the recommended external reset circuit. The
external reset circuit is required only if the IOVDD rise time has the
possibility of being too slow.
Figure 2-11  External Reset Circuit The diode D discharges the capacitor when IOVDD is powered
R1 = 100 W to 1K W                                           will limit any current flowing into RST from
external capacitor C1. This protects the RST pin from breakdown
due  to  Electrostatic  Discharge  (ESD)  or  Electrical  Overstress
R2  <  40K W                            is  recommended  to  make  sure  that  voltage  drop
across R2 leaves the RST pin above a Vih level.
C1 should be chosen so that R2 × C1 exceeds the time period
required for IOVDD to reach a valid operating voltage.
IOVDD C1 R2 R1 515-021.eps RST IP2022