System ArchitectureIP2022 Users Manual
to disable specific interrupts before setting the GIE bit to provide
interrupt prioritization. Caution must be taken not to exceed the
interrupt shadow register stack depth of 2.
Clearing the GIE bit in the ISR cannot be used to globally disable
interrupts so that they remain disabled when the ISR returns,
because the reti instruction automatically sets the GIE bit. To
disable interrupts in the ISR so that they remain disabled after the
ISR returns, the individual interrupt enable bits for each source of
interrupts must be cleared.
Interrupt Latency
The interrupt latency is the time from the interrupt event occurring
to first ISR instruction being latched from the decode to the
execute stage. If the interrupt comes from a Port B input and the
SYNC bit in the FUSE1 register is 0, an additional two cycles of
synchronization delay are added to the interrupt latency.
The iread or iwrite instructions are blocking (i.e. prevent
other instructions from being executed) for 4 cycles. If these
instructions are used in mainline code, interrupt latency may be
increased by an additional 3 cycles.
When an interrupt event is triggered, the CPU speed is changed
to the speed specified by the INTSPD register. The SPDREG
register is copied to a shadow register, then loaded with the value
from the INTSPD register.