In-System DebuggingIP2022 Users Manual
ISD/ISP Commands
The ISD/ISP interface has two states, open and closed. Before
any commands are accepted, the interface must be opened with
the OPEN command. When the interface is closed, the IP2022
does not respond to any other commands. The CLOSE command
can be used during testing to make sure that the
debugger/programmer is not interfering with the operation of the
target system. OPEN and CLOSE commands are also used to
connect and disconnect the debugger/programmer while the
target system is running. The ISD/ISP connector may only be
attached or removed while the ISD/ISP interface is closed, to
ensure that no spurious commands are issued to the IP2022.
After being opened, a blank device must be initialized with the
INITIALIZE command. This selects various modes normally
specified in the FUSE0 register, including critical operating modes
such as clock source selection and the prescaler and postscaler
clock divisors. The OSC clock must be running before using the
debugging or programming features, however the SPI clock
(TSCK) is the only clock required to be operational before issuing
the INITIALIZE command. The operand word issued with the
INITIALIZE command has the same format as the FUSE0 register.
The operand word is loaded into a temporary register that controls
the IP2022 until it is reset, as shown in Figure 5-2.