IP2022 Users ManualSystem Architecture
W or Working registerthe source or destination for most
arithmetic and logical instructions.
STATUS registercondition flags for the results of arithmetic
and logical operations, the page bits (used for jumps and sub-
routine calls), and bits which indicate the cause of the last re-
set (watchdog timer overflow or brown-out voltage detector).
Section 2.1.1 shows the assignment of the bits in the STATUS
MULH registerreceives the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit product
from signed or unsigned multiplication. The lower 8 bits are
loaded into the W register.
SPDREG registerholds bits that indicate the CPU speed
and clock source settings loaded by the speed instruction, as
shown in Section 2.1.2. For more information about the
speed instruction and the clock throttling mechanism, see
Section 2.4
INTSPD registerholds bits that control the CPU speed and
clock source during interrupt service routines. It has the same
format as the SPDREG register.
XCFG registerholds additional control and status bits, as
shown in Section 2.1.3.
PCH/PCL register16-bit program counter.
IPCH/IPCL registerspecifies the return address when a
reti instruction is executed. On returning from the interrupt
service routine, an option of the reti instruction allows soft-
ware to save the incremented value of the program counter in
the INTVECH and INTVECL registers.