Peripherals—IP2022 User’s Manual 282 4.6.8 SxTBUFH/SxTBUFL Register 16-bit register pair for loading transmit data. The TXBE bit in the
SxINTF register indicates when the data has been transmitted and
the   register   is   ready   to   be   loaded   with   new   data.   If   the
corresponding  bit  in  the  SxINTE  register  is  set,  an  interrupt  is
4.6.9 SxTCFG Register 7 6 5 4 0 GLOBEN  LPBACK  TPOREV TXSCNT4:0 Name Description GLOBEN Global enable bit 0 =   Disable SERDES output
1 =   Enable SERDES output
LPBACK Loopback enable bit 0 =   Normal operation
1 =   Output is driven into input
TPOREV Transmit data polarity reversal select                                 0 =   Data polarity uninverted
                                1 =   Data polarity inverted
TXSCNT4:0    Transmit shift count, specifies number of bits to transmit