PeripheralsIP2022 Users Manual
this configuration, the CPI2CPI1 bit in the TxCFG1 register is
provided to internally tie the TxCPI1 and TxCPI2 inputs together,
which frees the TxCPI2 pin to be used as a general-purpose I/O
port pin.
An interrupt can be generated for any capture event and for
counter/timer overflows.
This mode also features an output-compare function. The
TxCMP1H/TCMP1L register is constantly compared against the
internal counter/timer. When the counter/timer reaches the value
of the TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L register minus one, at the next
counter clock the TxOUT output is toggled. The TxOUT output, if
enabled via the OEN bit, can be driven high or low by writing to the
TOUTSET and TOUTCLR bits in the TxCFG2 register. An
interrupt can be enabled for this event.