PeripheralsIP2022 Users Manual
counter is cleared, the TxOUT output is driven high, unless the
TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L register is clear, in which case the TxOUT
pin is driven low.
There are two special cases. When the TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L
register is clear, the TxOUT pin is driven with a continuous low,
corresponding to a duty-cycle of 0%. When the value in the
TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L register is equal to the value in the
TxCAP2H/TxCAP2L register, the TxOUT output is driven with a
continuous high, corresponding to a duty-cycle of 100%.
The behavior of the timers when the value in the
TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L register are greater than the value in the
TxCAP2H/TxCAP2L register is undefined.
The timer is glitch-free no matter when the TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L
register or the TxCMP2H/TxCMP2L register are changed relative
to the value of the internal counter/timer. The new duty cycle or
period values do not take effect until the current PWM cycle is
completed (the counter/timer is reset).
Interrupts, if enabled through the TxCFG1 register, can be
generated whenever the timer output is set or cleared. If the
TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L register is clear, or if the value in the
TxCMP1H/TxCMP1L register is equal to the value in the
TxCAP2H/TxCAP2L register, an interrupt is generated each time
the counter/timer is reset to zero.
In PWM mode, the Capture 1 input remains active (if enabled by
the CPI1EN bit in the TxCFG1 register) and, when triggered,
captures the current counter/timer value into the TxCAP1 register.