IP2022 User’s Manual—Peripherals www.ubicom.com 249 4.4 Multi-Function Timers (T1 and T2) The IP2022 contains two independent 16-bit multi-function timers,
called T1 and T2. These versatile, programmable timers reduce
the software burden on the CPU in real-time control applications
such  as  PWM  generation,  motor  control,  triac  control,  variable-
brightness   display   control,   sine-wave   generation,   and   data
Each timer consists of a 16-bit counter register supported by  a
dedicated   16-bit   capture   register   and   two   16-bit   compare
registers. The second compare register can also serve as capture
register.  Each  timer  may  use  up  to  four  external  pins:  TxCPI1
(Capture  Input),  TxCPI2  (Capture  Input),  TxCLK  (Clock  Input),
TxOUT (Output). These pins are multiplexed with general-purpose
RTSS Real-Time Timer clock source select (see Figure 2-12) 0 =   pre-PLL clock
1 =   external RTCLK
RTIE Real-Time Timer interrupt enable bit 0 =   Real-Time Timer interrupt disabled
1 =   Real-Time Timer interrupt enabled
RTIF Real-Time Timer interrupt flag 0 =   No timer overflow has occurred since this bit was           last cleared
1 =   Timer overflow has occurred. This bit goes high two
cycles after the actual overflow occurs. Name Description