IP2022 Users ManualPeripherals
Real-Time Timer
The Real-Time Timer is an 8-bit timer intended to provide a
periodic system wake-up interrupt. Unlike the other peripherals
(except the Watchdog Timer and port B interrupts), the Real-Time
Timer continues to function when the system clock is disabled. For
those applications which spend much of their time with the OSC
clock oscillator turned off to conserve power, there are only three
available mechanisms for a wake-up: reset from the Watchdog
Timer, interrupt from a Port B input, and interrupt from the Real-
Time Timer. By using an interrupt rather than reset, more of the
CPU state is preserved and some reset procedures such as
initializing the port direction registers can be skipped.
Timer 0 interrupt flag
0 = No timer overflow has occurred since this bit was
last cleared
1 = Timer overflow has occurred