IP2022 Users ManualPeripherals
Configure the port pins used for interrupts as inputs by pro-
gramming the RBDIR register.
Select the desired edge for triggering the interrupt by pro-
gramming the INTED register. This may set interrupt flags.
Be sure all enabled interrupt pins are driven to valid logic
levels, not floating.
Clear the interrupt flags in the INTF register.
Enable the interrupt input(s) by setting the corresponding
bit(s) in the INTE register.
Set the GIE bit.
Figure 4-2 shows the Port B interrupt logic. Port B has three
registers for supporting external interrupts, the INTED (Section
4.1.6), INTF (Section 4.1.7), and INTE (Section 4.1.8) registers.
The INTED register controls the logic which selects the edge
sensitivity (i.e. rising or falling edge) of the Port B pins. When an
edge of the selected type occurs, the corresponding flag in the
INTF register is set, whether or not the interrupt is enabled. The
interrupt signal passed to the system interrupt logic is the OR
function of the AND of each interrupt flag in the INTF register with
its corresponding enable bit in the INTE register.