Instruction Set Architecture—IP2022 User’s Manual 194 RET Return from Subroutine Operation: program counter = top-of-stack Bits affected: None Opcode: 0000 0000 0000 0111 Description: This    instruction    causes    a    return    from    a
subroutine.  It  pops  the  16-bit  value  previously
stored on the stack and restores that value to the
program  counter.  This  causes  the  program  to
jump to the instruction immediately following the
call instruction that called the subroutine. The hardware   stack   used   for   subroutine   call   and
return is independent from the stack used with the
push and pop instructions. It  is  not  necessary  to  set  the  PA2:0  bits  in  the
STATUS register to return to the correct place in
the   program.   This   is   because   the   full   16-bit
program address is restored from the stack. The
ret  instruction  does  not  use  (and  does  not affect) the PA2:0 bits. Cycles: 3