IP2022 User’s Manual—Overview www.ubicom.com 5 Four hardware LFSR units
CRC generation/checking Data whitening Encryption General-Purpose Hardware Peripherals Two 16-bit timers with 8-bit prescalers supporting:
Timer mode PWM mode Capture/Compare mode Parallel host interface, 8/16-bit selectable for use as a com-
munications coprocessor
One 8-bit timer with programmable 8-bit prescaler One  8-bit  real-time  clock/counter  with  programmable  15-bit
prescaler and 32 kHz crystal input
Watchdog timer with prescaler On-chip PLL clock multiplier with pre- and post-divider
100 MHz on-chip clock from 2 MHz external crystal 10-bit, 8-channel ADC with 1/2 LSB accuracy Analog comparator with hysteresis enable/disable Brown-out minimum supply voltage detector External interrupt inputs on 8 pins (Port B)