IP2022 User’s Manual—Instruction Set Architecture www.ubicom.com 151 INC W,fr Increment fr into W Operation: W = fr + 1 Bits affected: Z Opcode: 0010 100f ffff ffff Description: This   instruction   increments   the   value   in   the
specified register file by one and moves the 8-bit
result  into  W.  The  data  memory  location  is  left
If the data memory location holds 0xFF, the value
moved  into  W  is  0x00  and  the  Z  bit  is  set.
Otherwise, the Z bit is cleared.
Cycles: 1 Example: inc     w,0x099 This   example   increments   the   value   at   data
memory location 0x099 and moves the result into
W.  For  example,  if  the  data  memory  location
holds 0x75, the value 0x76 is loaded into W, and
the Z bit is cleared. The data memory location still
holds 0x75 after execution of the instruction.