© 2000 Ubicom, Inc. All rights reserved. - 5 - www.ubicom.com SX IrDA Virtual Peripheral Implementation AN16 3.0 IrDA Layer Descriptions The following sections describe each of the layers in the
IrDA stack in more detail.
3. 1 PHYSICAL LAYER The physical layer consists of an IrDA UART to convert
octets of data to an IR pulse stream and to process the
received pulse stream into octets of data.
IR  communication  is  inherently  half-duplex  in  nature  as
the IR emitter used for transmission is physically close to
the IR detector used for reception thus the detector will
always  detect  what  is  being  transmitted.  Furthermore  a
minimum turnaround time must be respected to allow the
daylight  correction  on  the  detector  to  recover  from  the
The  octet  encoding  is  dependant  on  the  class  of  the
speed,  and  for  “ASYNC”  speeds  (9600-115200bps)  the
bit timing is the same as a conventual UART but based
on  pulses.  A  ‘0’  is  encoded  as  a  pulse  and  a  ‘1’  is
encoded as no pulse. The bit format is 1 start bit, 8 data
bits, and 1 stop bit (no parity). The octet will start with a
pulse for the start bit (start bit = ‘0’), followed by 8 data
pulses/no-pulses, followed by a no-pulse for the stop bit
(stop bit = ‘1’ - return to idle). The pulse can be of any
width    between    1.6us    (3/16ths    of    the    bit    time    at
115200bps) and 3/16ths of the total bit time for the UART
3.1.1   SX Timing The IrDA Virtual Peripheral implementation uses a con-
stant pulse time of 2.16us (within the IrDA specifications)
regardless  of  the  speed.  This  time  is  4/16ths  of  the  bit
time  at  115200  allowing  the  use  of  a  divide  by  4  rather
than a divide by 16 counter and reducing the counter res-
olution  to  8-bit.  The  timer  ISR  routine  will  be  executed
every 2.16us (108 clock cycles @ 50MHz) thus 4 inter-
rupts  will  be  received  per  bit  at  the  highest  speed  of
The HP HDSL1001 IrDA transceiver (which is described
in the hardware section) has the following signal proper-
•    RxIdle High
•    TxIdle Low
It should also be noted that the IR transceiver LED timing is completely software controlled. If the SX device leaves the LED on continually then the IR transceiver may be permanently damaged as it                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     will
be operating at 4.5 times its absolute maximum aver-
age current rating. For  reception  the  pulse  will  generate  an  interrupt  flag
(falling edge) but will not generate an interrupt. If an inter-
rupt occurs during the ISR execution the SX will not re-
enter the ISR. By using the interrupt flag (rather than rais-
ing  an  interrupt)  no  interrupts  are  missed,  even  during
ISR processing. The flag will be detected the next time
the timer interrupts, and will be processed then.
3.1.2   Physical Layer API When  a  byte  has  been  received  the  global  IrdaRxAvail
flag  will  be  set  and  the  data  will  be  available  from  the
IrdaRxData register in the IsrBank.
A   byte   can   be   transmitted   by   first   storing   it   in   the
IrdaTxData register in the  IsrBank  and  then  by  set-
ting  the  global  flag  IrdaTxStart.  When  the  byte  has
been transmitted the ISR will set the global flag IrdaTx-
3. 2 FRAMING LAYER For  transmission  the  framing  layer  adds  the  required
framing  information  to  the  payload  data.  For  reception
the  framing  layer  removes  the  framing  information  to
recover  the  payload  data.  The  framing  information  con-
sists  of  turn-around  delay  bytes,  beginning  and  end  of
frame bytes, a 16-bit CRC check, and the application of
transparency bytes.
3.2.1   Frame Format Framing  is  described  in  the  IrDA  IrLAP  documentation
(pages 112-118). The format of a frame is shown in Fig-
ure 3-1.
The initial beginning-of-frame bytes (BOFs) take care of
the turnaround delay required for a IR receiver to recover
after  transmission.  Initial  BOFs  are  send  as  $FF  rather
than  the  BOF  byte  $C0  as  recommended  by  the  IrLAP
The frame-check-sequence (FCS) is a 16-bit CCITT CRC
covering  all  the  payload  data  prior  to  the  application  of
any transparency bytes required. The traditional look-up
table approach requires a 512 byte look-up table thus is
unrealistic to implement on a small communications con-
troller. The FCS is instead calculated on a byte-by-byte
basis   as   they   are   transmitted/received   using   just   21
words  of  sequentially  executed  code.  The  derivation  of
the FCS calculation can be found in Appendix A.
For reception all bytes received after the BOF (and after
transparency recovery) are included in the FCS calcula-
tion  until  the  end-of-frame  (EOF)  byte  is  received  (i.e.
including the FCS bytes). When the EOF is received the
calculated FCS in memory is compared to the constant
$F0B8 to determine the validity of the frame. It should be
noted that the FCS is defined as the last two bytes prior
to the EOF byte thus to remove the FCS all payload data
passes   through   a   2-byte   FIFO   buffer   before   being
passed as payload data to the higher layer.
Initial BOFs  BOF
Payload Data     FCS
(2 bytes)
Figure 3-1. Frame Format