© 2000 Ubicom, Inc. All rights reserved. - 14 - www.ubicom.com AN16 SX IrDA Virtual Peripheral Implementation 3.3.10  Implementation – LAP Layer State Machine The IrDA Virtual Peripheral LAP layer manages the LAP
secondary-only state machine from the IrDA Lite specifi-
The  implementation  differs  from  the  specification  in  the
following ways:
•    There is no OFFLINE state (i.e. the LAP layer can al-
      ways receive frames).
•    The XID response to an XID command frame as stated
in Discovery section (i.e. slot 0 must be received for the
SX to respond).
•    The addition of the QUERY state so the IrDA Virtual       Peripheral can initiate XID discovery following the IrDA
      Lite primary state machine.
•    The IrDA Virtual Peripheral will always automatically
      accept an incoming connection request rather than
      asking a higher layer if it should accept the connection
•    The ability to transmit UI command frames (NDM state
Note   that   the   payload   layer   automatically   filters   the
frames such that the LAP layer will only be informed of
frames  that  are  correctly  addressed  command  frames
with the final bit set.