Description | Retail Price | IBM Part number |
250 sheet tray (extra) | $75 | 63H2938 |
500 sheet drawer and tray (extra) | 63H2937 | |
Setting up legal size stock in the AUX tray
The printer automatically senses the size of the paper in the main tray.
The tray on the NP12 has little white plastic fingers on the left side (when faceing the printer) that move when the tray is resized and are supposed to report the size of the paper in the tray via a set of switches on the left side of the slot the tray slides into. The metal fingers of the switches are clearly visable when the tray is removed and you look inside the tray slot. After long use, the fingers can be "beaten" back into the body of the printer and must be VERY CAREFULLY "tweeked" back out so that they push harder on the trays plastic fingers and accuratly register their position. Print the configuration page (see above) and look at the "Autosensed paper" setting to see what paper size the printer thinks is in the tray. If it isn't accurate, check that both sides of the back of the tray have been moved to just accomodate the paper and if that doesn't fix it, call for service.
See also: