Hewlett Packard Laser Jet 6P or 6MP Printer

The HP 5, 5P, 5Si and 6P series printers (or their corresponding M versions) each require a specific version of the SmartSIMM.  Please specify printer model when ordering.

Number: 560 07/30/97  When downloading several files to SmartSIMM in LJ 6P, Status dialog reports "Printer is not responding"

Number: 740 10/24/97  SIMMs lock up printer or print 85 FLASH ERROR when printing status page or initializing.

Number: 612 11/10/97  "INV PERS" or "INVALID PERSONALITY" when attempting to program forms to Smart SIMM

Note:  Two 1-MB SmartSIMMs can be installed (into adjacent slots) in the 6P and after re-initializing the SIMMs they will work together to provide about 1.5 MB memory. The "Flash memory configuration:" line on the Status Page should show "1+1" rather than the standard "1".
