From: Lelan W Steiner [] Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:56 To: Subject: IBM NP printer flash format James, Here is the macro information for the Network Printer 12. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks, Lelan Steiner 303-924-9557 Workgroup Printer Development IBM Boulder ---------------------- Forwarded by Lelan W Steiner/Boulder/IBM on 01/19/2001 01:51 PM --------------------------- Kurt Badertscher 01/19/2001 01:50 PM To: Lelan W Steiner/Boulder/IBM cc: From: Kurt Badertscher/Boulder/IBM@IBMUS Subject: NP printer flash format Lelan, Here is the spec for producing Macro and font files for both FLASH and DISK for the Network printers (See attached file: npdfcmd.pdf) Here is the Hilton folio macro converted into a NP FLASH download file set with macro ID 21. (See attached file: NPfolio.fls) Here are the standard sample files we provide to customers for comparison (See attached file: PRTMAC.prn)(See attached file: flshmac.prn) ........................... Kurt Badertscher IBM Printing Systems (303) 924 5333 Fax (303) 924 7523 (IBM T/L 263) DoN"t pAniC!