Twinax Setup Menu Item Value Description IPDS TMEOUT nnn
Specifies the number of seconds the printer waits for data
before it determines there is no more data to receive for the
job. The printer then checks other installed interfaces, and
will switch to interfaces with jobs waiting. Valid values are
1 to 255. The default is 90 seconds.
1.   Setting IPDS TMEOUT to OFF dedicates the printer to
      the twinax port until the host breaks the connection.
2.   Setting IPDS TMEOUT too low can cause timeouts to
occur during normal pauses in the data stream. This, in
turn, can cause jobs to print again. If this problem
occurs, set IPDS TMEOUT to a higher value. IBM
recommends that you do not set IPDS TMEOUT to a
value less than 30.
Chapter 6. Operator Panel Menus 123