Coaxial SCS Menu Item Value Description CODE PAGE nnn Specifies the code page to use. Code page 037 is the default.
037     US, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal
260     Canadian/French
273     Austrian/German
275     Brazil
277     Danish/Norwegian
278     Finnish/Swedish
280     Italian
281     Japanese
284     Spanish
285     UK English
286     Austrian/German (alternate)
287     Danish/Norwegian (Alternate)
288     Finnish/Swedish (Alternate)
289     Spanish
297     French
420     Arabic
424     Hebrew
500     Belgium, Switzerland / International
871     Icelandic
875     Greek
000     download the code page from the
3174 control unit The following code pages include the Euro character: 1140 - US, Canada, Netherlands, and Portugal
1141 - Austrian/German
1142 - Danish/Norwegian
1143 - Finnish/Swedish
1144 - Italian
1145 - Spanish
1146 - UK English
1147 - French
1148 - Belgium, Switzerland/International
1149 - Icelandic
PA1 none Selecting this value and pressing the Enter key sends a PA1
signal to the host.
Note:  This applies to SCS only; not DSC/DSE or IPDS.
PA2 none Selecting this value and pressing the Enter key sends a PA2
signal to the host.
Note:  This applies to SCS only; not DSC/DSE or IPDS.
Chapter 6. Operator Panel Menus 113