IPDS Menu Item Value Description EARLY COMPL OFF*
Turns early print completion on or off for IPDS data sent
over the twinax interface. To turn early completion on or off
for non-IPDS data over the coax interface, use the EARLY
COMPL item on the Coax Setup Menu. EARLY COMPL
displays on the IPDS Menu only when the twinax network
card is installed.
v  OFF—the printer waits until the job is physically
    complete to signal the host that the job is complete.
v  ON—the printer signals the host that the job is complete
as soon as the IPDS data is formatted. Setting EARLY COMPL=ON may improve print
performance, but may also degrade recovery and cause lost
data from some printing problems, such as jams.
98    Infoprint 21: User’s Guide