IPDS Menu Item Value Description DEF CD PAG nnnn Specifies the default code page. The default value is code
page 037.
037     US, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal
038     US English ASCII
260     Canadian French
273     Austrian/German
274     Belgium
276     Canadian French
277     Danish/Norwegian
278     Finnish/Swedish
280     Italian
281     Japanese
284     Spanish
285     UK English
286     Austrian/German (alternate)
287     Danish/Norwegian (Alternate)
288     Finnish/Swedish (Alternate)
290     Japanese/Katakana
297     French
420     Arabic
423     Greek
424     Hebrew
500     Belgium, Switzerland / International
870     Latin 2 Multilingual
871     Icelandic
875     Greek
880     Cyrillic
892     OCR - A
893     OCR - B
905     Turkish
1025   Cyrillic
1026   Turkish
The following code pages include the Euro character: 1140 - US, Canada, Netherlands, Brazil, Portugal
1141 - Austrian/German
1142 - Danish/Norwegian
1143 - Finnish/Swedish
1144 - Italian
1145 - Spanish
1146 - UK English
1147 - French
1148 - Belgium, Switzerland/International
1149 - Icelandic
Specifies the printer to emulate. Select 4322 for the Infoprint
21 only if you have the appropriate level of PSF software
installed. Consult your system administrator or contact
technical support.
Note:  If you change EMULATION, power off and then
power on the printer for the new value to take effect.
Chapter 6. Operator Panel Menus 93