Q: How can I print a configuration, event log, file system, menu map, pcl font listing, or ps font listing page without using the control panel on the LJ4000, LJ5000 and LJ8000?
A: You can accomplish this task with @PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX, a PJL command that sends PML requests directly to the printer's PML parser. The ASCII HEX string should specify a "SetRequest" on the "print-internal-page" object, available in the printer-specific MIB document.

The following commands can generate listing pages:

@PJL COMMENT Configuration Page
@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "04000401010502040103"

@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "04000401010502040107"

@PJL COMMENT File System Directory
@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "04000401010502040108"

@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "04000401010502040109"

@PJL COMMENT Pcl Font Listing
@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "040004010105020402015E"

@PJL COMMENT PS Font Listing
@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "04000401010502040201C2"

In this example you can set tray 1 to a specific paper size: <esc>%-12345X@PJL @PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "040007010401030301010401nn" <esc>%-12345X The last two characters (nn) are substituted with whichever paper size you need, like so: Executive 01 Letter 02 Legal 03 ISOA5 19 ISOA4 1A JISB5 2D Monarch 50 Com-10 envelope 51 DL envelope 5A C5 envelope 5B B5 64 Custom 65

Q: How can one construct the PML configuration page command (@PJL DMINFO ASCIIHEX = "04000401010502040103")?
A: The ASCIIHex string consists of 3 elements:

04 - Tells the PML Parser this is a SetRequest

00 - Tells the PML Parser the stream is about to give it an Object Identifier
04 - Length in bytes of the object identifier
01010502 - Object identifier that specifies the "print-internal-page" object in a printer-specific LaserJet MIB

..Value to Set..
04 - Tells the PML Parser the stream is about to give it an enumeration value
01 - Length in bytes of the enumeration value
03 - Enumeration for "eDeviceDemoPage1ConfigurationPage", MIB object subordinate to the "print-internal-page" object

