Number: 560 07/30/97 When downloading several files to e-Forms Chip in LJ 6P, Status dialog reports "Printer is not responding"

Description:  Apparently, a status monitering utility that can optionally be installed with the MS Windows printer driver for the HP LaserJet 6P printer, detects that the printer has restarted (which is a normal activity at the end of a download) and pops up a dialog warning the user that the printer is off line. The printer immediatly comes back on line after the restart but the status monitering utility is too stupid to see this and waits for the user to "check the printer cable" etc... and clear the error. Since the printer is now online and nothing is wrong with the cable, some users become confused and call support.

Workaround:  Just click on "Ok" to clear the status warning and continue working as normal. Suggest not installing this utility if possible.

Resolution:  N/A

Submitted by:  
Mr. James Newton
Mr. Ted Wright