Installing an eForms SmartBox

The eForms BOX brings eForms support in a small external package to any Laser Jet compatible (PCL 5) printer. The following environment must be in place: The printer must:

Update eForms in eForms SmartBOX

First, verify that the BOX has a small white sticker saying PGEN 1.0. If you see a "Program 4.0" or "Program 5.0" sticker or no sticker at all, please contact our office for special files and instructions.

Once you have received the update email or downloaded the update from our web site:

  1. First, save the attachment to a floppy disk. The attached file will be <printertype>.all. In this case BOX.ALL
  2. copy this file at each workstation from the floppy to the local printer using the following command at the command prompt (Start / Programs / Command prompt):

    If the printer has a screen on the front panel, it should display and EFPLUS.COM Update message.
    The small light on the box should show a blinking red. Wait until the light on the BOX stops flashing red and returns to green.

    When the light is green Turn the printer off, count to 10 and turn the printer back on.

At this point the BOX should be programmed and working.