ON 20031013@5:37:35 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/questions.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37907.5803587963 swapna@utulsa.edu asks: " Hi,
i want to interface PIC 16F877 with PWM coprocessor PAK-5. can i directly connect the USARt tx pin of pic with Rx pin of pwm cop?" |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'mgore@cv.cl shares this code:

I used the hardware configuration shown in
connected to a PIC16F877A,but  had problems of instability.    
I configure bad the CM8880PI?

The source code here:

#DEFINE        RW              PORTE,0         ; RE0 Read/Write
#DEFINE        RS              PORTE,1         ; RE1 Register Select
#DEFINE        CS              PORTE,2         ; RE2 Chip Select

       movlw  b'00000111'
       movwf   PORTE                   ; RW,RS,CS = 1
       call    DELAY250                ; 250 mS Delay

; Configure the internals registers
       bcf     RW                      ; Write mode
       bsf     RS                      ; Internal register 
       bcf     CS                      ; CS = 0               

       movlw   b'00001001'             ; to A register 
       movwf   PORTD           

       movlw   b'00000000'             ; to B register
       movwf   PORTD
       bsf     CS                      ; CS = 1 

; To sending DTMF code
       bcf     RW                      ; Write mode
       bcf     RS                      ; Output register 

       movlw   (The code to send)
       movwf   PORTD
       bcf     CS
       bsf     CS

The PORTD is used to data bus from CM8880.
The phi2 input is connected to Vcc by 3.3Kohm resistor.

Somebody knows the correct form of configuring and operate the CM8880?

Thank you in advance
' ON 20031017@4:17:34 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37904.8427199074 http://www.electronickits.com/kit/complete/complete.htm ElectronicKits.com - Several Pic Programmer Kits from beginner to advanced. |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'mesuli@yahoo.com asks: " i'm "planning" on developing dev tools for pic18lf242 (asm,prog+cct)

any useful info is appreciated esp if u r doing something similar
" ' ON 20031025@7:23:38 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37916.2823611111 |Delete 'paturusiva@yahoo.com asks: " wanted pic basic 1.3 english version" ' ON 20031025@7:25:05 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37899.8698148148 |Delete 'stepper motor control asks: ' ON 20031025@7:25:15 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37883.1118055556 |Delete 'hiremathraji13@rediffmail.com asks: ' ON 20031025@7:25:40 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37863.392037037 darrencch@dodo.com.au refers to
This is a great place with good people they have helped me since I was 15 and I'm now 35+ great Kits too!!! when my first Z80 kit did not work they fixxed it I had it back in a week with letter letting me know were I went wrong
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'bertus@univtech.ac.za asks:
hi, how do u set up the comparator on the 16f628?? im building a frequency counter(0-99Hz) and was told to use the comparator to get the highs for one second, that is the input frequency. any help would be appreciated...
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'lucas@saelabs.com asks:
I am in Bolivia and i need information of use external memory with PICs using I2C, and if is posible to use usb flash memory like the comercial key memories on the market. Thaks