ON 20030301@6:19:42 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37681.6240393519 |Delete 'niallhennessy@hotmail.com asks: " hi im working on a project which should interface a pic16cxx
with a batterycharging circuit(ADP3811) and would love ANY info ye could have thhanks" ' ON 20030308@10:53:41 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37686.1949652778 |Delete 'Visit Pulsar site and email using address there please asks:
http:www.pulsar-electronics.co.uk Hi all,

I am trying to replace an existing meter with a LCD chich puts up a block at a pint determined by the input on two of the ADC channels on a PIC.

I need to calculate the Angle and the phasor AMPLITUDE.

I have x on one input and Y on the other. I know I need to use ArctTan function, but I also need to store the results in two floating variables.

I'm using Crownhills EXCELLENT PICBASIC compiler, and any examples of code would be GREATLY appreciated.


Sean Goddard
' ON 20030309@1:19:20 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/index.htm CLS-yahoo-a2 Charles L Schroth Questions: I am working on a counting program on page 80 of Dave Benson's Easy Microcontol'n. This program senses a high then a low state on RA3, adds one to a counter and then moves counter to Portb then loops back counting each high/low. Problem is the program only counts once and then ignores high states on RA3. To alter states I use 10K resistor and 5V for high and ground for low. All porta pins are tied to 5V via 10k resistors. If I ignore the counter and increment portb directly the program works. I tried a different port, RA0, with the same result. The pic is a 16f84. What gives. My test circuit is similar to the one shown in the book. ON 20030310@2:33:06 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37690.2266782407 |Delete ' /techref/piclist/16F84 sample program ' ON 20030310@2:34:37 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/index.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37689.5550810185 |Delete 'Charles L Schroth asks:
I am working on a counting program on page 80 of Dave Benson's Easy Microcontol'n. This program senses a high then a low state on RA3, adds one to a counter and then moves counter to Portb then loops back counting each high/low. Problem is the program only counts once and then ignores high states on RA3. To alter states I use 10K resistor and 5V for high and ground for low. All porta pins are tied to 5V via 10k resistors. If I ignore the counter and increment portb directly the program works. I tried a different port, RA0, with the same result. The pic is a 16f84. What gives. My test circuit is similar to the one shown in the book.
' ON 20030311@11:54:09 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/questions.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37691.5160648148 ray.ellam@ntlworld.com asks:
Im looking for a 32/32 bit divide function that will work with the PIC18F452. I used a function written (well actualy it was the modified AN575 microchip stuff )by a guy called ingvar gillholm which worked a treat on a 16F877 but unfortunatly wont work with the 18F series. I use picbasic pro V2.41 with the MAPSM assembler. If anyone can help i would be most greatfull.
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'mast3rx@hotmail.com asks:
I have a problem. I just got the PIC16PRO programmer and using MPLAB. I'm new at PICs but have been programming for the 68HC11 for quite some time, so the code is easy to pick up. To test out the programmer I downloaded an LED program. Simple program that just turns on and off an LED. I programmed the chip and verified that the code was there, but when I hook everything up, nothing happens. I know the code is correct and so is the schematic. Is there something I'm missing? The PIC I'm using is the 16F628.
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'nickkhoo@yahoo.com asks:
Dear sir!i'm new to DSPs and i want to do a simple project using them.i have no title for the project to begin and choose the appropriate DSP.please help me.
' ON 20030314@7:55:15 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/index.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37694.1374421296 |Delete 'enzov76@freemail.it asks:
I'm trying to interface a PIC16F877 whit an external EEPROM.I would find some ASM code for my purpose.Please if anyone knows some link or have this kind of program,let me know!
Please contact me at:enzov76@freemail.it
' ON 20030315@8:39:08 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37692.0572453704 darkoctober@mymaxis.com.my asks:
hi, im doing a project called multipurpose display board using this pic16f84A. im new with this microcontroller so i need your help to give me some idea on how to program it. can you help me?
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'higginshn@powerup.com.au asks:
I think the answer to my question is obvious, but in case there are minds much more clever than mine out there: Is there any way to write parallel re-entrant routines for the PIC16F84, that is, routines (which use more than just W for parameter passing) which can be called from both the mainline and interrupt code without having to disable interrupts in the mainline? Cheers, Neil Higgins
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'scs_r@indiatimes.com asks: " How Can I use 7 segment LED instead of LCD in 50 MHz Frequency counter kit. I am novice to PIC16F84.
Thanks in advance." |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' ' ON 20030315@8:52:14 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/weedfreq.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton Replied to post 37530.0354282407 |Insert 'Any 1x16 with an 8 bit parallel interface should would, but the pinouts are NOT standard and so you will need to make sure the correct signals are connected to the correct pins on the PIC. The signal names (e.g. D0, RE, etc...) are standard.' at: '' What kind of 1x16 display I should use? Are they all same standard type? ...so that pinouts and inits are the same? ON 20030315@9:02:25 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/weedfreq.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton edited the page. Difference: http://www.piclist.com/techref/diff.asp?url=H:\techref\piclist\weedfreq.htm&version=32 ON 20030317@1:12:40 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/listfaq.htm fypfiles-hotmail- Questions: Hi, i am currently using pic 18f252 doing a project on transmitter/receiver mode. can anyone tell me how to send data to another chip using logics/8bit data. Whether is C code or assembly i dun mind. thanks in advance. ON 20030317@7:33:51 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37696.8128472222 |Delete 'me_ashanti21@hotmail.com asks:
Hi, i'm currently a full-time student studying in one of the polytechnics in singapore... I'm new to microcontroller language... Well i have o project to be completed in 4 weeks and i need to post ny notes in 1 week.. i would like to ask if there is any sample programming on sound generation or speakers.. Im using the PIC16F877 microcontroller language... hope my questions will be reveiwed and i will receive the solutions soon... Thanks you very much and the help will be greatly appreciated...
' ON 20030320@5:06:53 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/index.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37698.0493518518 |Delete ' Dear Sirs

I have problems to get PICLISTin in coposed form.
I got only
Part 1.1 (Topics of the day:) full but
part 1.2 ( start of posts) empty
I have Netscape 4.7 browser, W98 and other computer XP, and same browser
I have tried to read you FAQ, but do not find a solution

Pekka Ritamaki
' ON 20030321@11:10:00 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37692.7642824074 |Delete 'rgj02@yahoo.com asks:
Hello, i am trying to write a tic tac toe game with a picmicro, 16f877. i am trying to find a way to separate my code from the player and the machine. i want the player to go first then the machine. i want the machine to wait for the player to input first. do any of you have any ideas.
' ON 20030322@6:37:30 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton Published and replied to post 37702.0905208333 |Insert 'See http://www.piclist.com/16F877/tlcd.asm' at: '' alvin03@hotmail.com asks: " Hi. Im new in microcontroller. I doing on a project using P16F877. I need to use LCD to display text. May I know how do I do that? Thanks in advance." |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'alvin03@hotmail.com asks: " Hi. Im new in microcontroller. I doing on a project using P16F877. I need to use LCD to display text. May I know how do I do that? Thanks in advance." James Newton replies: See http://www.piclist.com/16F877/tlcd.asm

  • ' ON 20030322@6:40:56 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton edited the page. Difference: http://www.piclist.com/techref/diff.asp?url=H:\techref\piclist\projects.htm&version=54 ON 20030322@6:43:22 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/projects.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton edited the page. Difference: http://www.piclist.com/techref/diff.asp?url=H:\techref\piclist\projects.htm&version=55 ON 20030324@11:20:04 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/questions.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37704.4063888889 g.marmolejo@attbi.com asks:
    I am programming a 16f874 and need to use six anolog inputs. I am using the a/d converter and am having trouble getting accurate readings. One a/d conversion works, but when two are programmed in, it still only takes one a/d conversion and gives that as the input for both a/d conversions. I am using a 4Mhz oscillator and have tried nearly every route. Does anybody have any sample code for MPlab that take more than one a/d conversion that I may compare for troubleshooting.Thanks.
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'hughe@thatinternetcafe.net asks:
    on a PIC16F628A if the configuration register is set so that MCLRE=0 (RA5 is digital I/O, not MCLRE) can this pin still be used for High Voltage Programming mode?
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'normapguarnizo@hotmail.com asks:

    I need information about the sequences to drive a stepper motor with microstepping, for example 400 ppr for 1.8/degree motor

    Thank you

    Norma Guarnizo
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'tiptop@dragonsurf.com asks:
    Hello, Sir, could you tell me if all interface USART is support rs485? could you mail me a program sample for rs485 transmiter and reciver. thank you very much.
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'tiptop@dragonsurf.com asks:
    Hello, Sir, could you tell me if all interface USART is support rs485? could you mail me a program sample for rs485 transmiter and reciver. thank you very much.
    ' ON 20030329@7:22:04 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/weedfreq.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37709.2672453704 tzhang@wtusm.edu.cn asks:
    i am confused with this:
    This counter use /256 prescaler, so i think it can't measure the
    freq below 256 Hz, but it CAN measure the freq below 256 Hz very well, would you like to give me the answer? thank you veru much!
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/piclist/begin.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/piclist/begin.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@8:51:33 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/begin.htm rsd-CS-P86 Ranjit Diol published post 37709.033125 /techref/microchip/piclinks.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/microchip/piclinks.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@8:51:59 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/begin.htm rsd-CS-P86 Ranjit Diol published post 37709.0328935185 /techref/microchip/books.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/microchip/books.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@8:52:08 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/begin.htm rsd-CS-P86 Ranjit Diol published post 37709.0328356481 /techref/microchip/crack.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/microchip/crack.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@8:52:20 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/begin.htm rsd-CS-P86 Ranjit Diol published post 37709.0328240741 /techref/piclist/index.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/piclist/index.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@8:52:55 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/begin.htm rsd-CS-P86 Ranjit Diol published post 37709.0326041667 /techref/microchip/index.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/microchip/index.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@8:53:18 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/begin.htm rsd-CS-P86 Ranjit Diol published post 37709.0323032407 /techref/microchip/simulators.htm?submit=LIST |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/microchip/simulators.htm?submit=LIST ' ON 20030329@11:29:21 PM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/weedfreq.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37709.7229398148 tzhang " i got the answer. the secret is 74hc132 and fr10 .
    the author is very clever! " |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'tzhang asks: " " i got the answer. the secret is 74hc132 and fr10 .
    the author is very clever! " " |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'tzhang asks: " hi, it is difficult to buy MPF102 and 2N4403, may i replace them
    use 2sk83 and 9015 (or 2n3906)?
    thanks!" |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' hi, anyone can modify this to use single +5v power supply? |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'vidganap@yahoo.com asks: /techref/piclist/hi,i'm currently working with PIC 16f877.i want the program codes for real time application such that the clock functions even in sleep mode .i want to impement this program using timer2 module.please reply me as soon as possible ' ON 20030331@12:54:00 AM at page: http://www.piclist.compiclist/questions.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37710.9816782407 |Delete 'vidganap@yahoo.co.in asks: /techref/piclist/i want sample program for real time clock using PIC16F877 IMPLEMENTING THE TMR2 MODULE .i want the real time clock to function even in sleep mode.please mail me the program codes as soon as possible.it is needed very urgently '