PIC JAL Math Routine

Bin2Bcd3 converts Binary number to BCD

by Vasile Surducan

-- --------------------------------------------------
--      Bin2Bcd3(var bcd2..bcd0 , bin1..bin0)
--  converts BIN number in bin1 .. bin0
--  to BCD out bcd2 .. bcd0
--  bcd2:msd, bcd1:isd, bcd0:lsd, bin1:msb, bin0:lsb
-- --------------------------------------------------

Procedure AdjBcd(Byte in out digit) is
Var byte temp 
var bit hc at temp : 3 
var bit fc at temp : 7 
	  temp = digit + 3
	  if hc then digit = temp end if
	  temp = digit + 0x30
	  if fc then digit = temp end if
End procedure

procedure bin2bcd3 (byte out bcd2,byte out bcd1,byte out bcd0,
                    Byte in bin1 ,Byte in bin0)  is

	bcd2 = 0
	bcd1 = 0
	bcd0 = 0
    for 16 loop			   -- all (16) bits of bin0..bin2
	    rlf bin0,f
	    rlf bin1,f
	    rlf bcd0,f
	    rlf bcd1,f
	    rlf bcd2,f
      End Assembler
    End loop
End procedure