The whole thing. All the things that makes our system. I was also thinking
in changing it to CUDP (Communitary Universal Device Programmer), as it will
also support PROMs, EPROMs, EEPROMs etc, but I think CUMP is better.
DH (Development Host)
The computer, Palm-Pilot, HP calculator, anything used to send the data to
the mother board (see below).
DHA (Development Host Application)
The software running on the DH.
MB (Mother Board)
The programmer. The unity with will hold the 'F877, the power suply, and
aditional support components.
MBA (Mother Board Aplication)
The software running on the MB.
DB (Daughter Board)
The optional board that can be attached to the MB containig the actual ZIF
socket (and optionally a serial EEPROM) where the device to be programmed
will be "socketed".
The device that will be programmed, or is attached to the circuit by a ICSP
cable or a DB.