ON 20080104@11:08:44 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/piclist/cheapic/binclock.htm#39451.3858333333 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 39451.3858333333 by keith.morgenstern |Insert 'Using the mask allows the program to pass the button to be checked as a variable. The bit test commands must have the bit number hard coded. DT is a shorthand for multiple retlw commands.' at: '' keith.morgenstern@navy.mil asks:
Why use a mask to check for a button release?
Why not test directly with "btfss SETPB" or "btfsc SETPB", as applicable?

Also, in the table defining the limits for each digit, what is the "dt" command? I would have expected a "retlw" in front of each value. Is this short hand?
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