ON 20051108@2:52:26 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/piclist/cheapic/index.htm#38663.6991203704 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 38663.6991203704 with comment: 'This has nothing to do with the Cheapic tutorial' |Delete 'dick_linn@yahoo.com asks:
http://www.geocities.com/dick_linn/CHIPINFO.txt Hi, I'm a rank amateur at PIC chips and programming in general. My problem is this; I have a Micro Pro programmer purchased from the ebay. It has worked fine with my 16F84A tests. However, I want to program a 16F716 chip for my first application. I want 18 pins, and A/D conversion. The programmer doesn't recognise the chip and I can't figure what chip profile it does have so I can fool it to accepting the chip and programming it. I have included a link to the info file that came with the programmer. I've relabeled it from the original CHIPINFO.CID to a .txt file. I'd appreciate any help someone can come up with. Thanks. Dick
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