The "Tick-Tock" Man

The other night in a dream, I met an old man in a
Tick-Tock shop, and I asked the old man what his
Job was.

He said his job was the offical keeper of all the
TICK-TOCKS. I told him he was the man I
needed to talk to.

I told him that he had all the "TICK-TOCKS"
running too fast, and they all should be slowed down,
because, time was going to fast.

He did not like the way I talked, and told me
"Mind your own business," he would take care of the
all the "TICK-TOCKS".

Well, I was not getting any place, so I woke up
to get some work done, before I lost any more time.

An Alaskan Rogue

"Granpa John"

May 15, 1996