Page Binding Systems

Zip-tie binding: Where standard zip ties are woven in to a cardboard or plastic backer which holds them iin place and then fed through the holes in the page and back into the lock to form the rings. Lays more or less flat (the zip tie lock will cause a bump) and can be reopened with a pin pushed into the lock. One problem is that pressure on the rings can cause them to slip further into the lock causeing the pages to bind when turned.

Duct tape binding: Where every 4 sides of the book are printed on one sheet of paper (2up 2sided) and then folded over a sheet metal "page" in a "book" which is then used to clamp and press the folded edge of all the paper pages into the center line of the sticky side of the duct tape. The edge away from the binding will probably have to be trimmed to get it even. It will generally lay flat and if the sheet metal is thick enough, and enough pressure used, the adhesion of the paper to the tape is very good.


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Where do you buy this one? Found at

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