W32Time: Windows Time Service

The mode that Windows Time uses {ed:by default?} to send requests is set by the following registry subkey:

If the value of the Enabled entry in this subkey is 1, Windows Time uses symmetric active mode. Otherwise, Windows Time uses client mode.

To set the NTP servers used by the time service, type the following at the command prompt:

w32tm /config "/manualpeerlist:NTP_server,mode" /syncfromflags:MANUAL 
net stop w32time 
net start w32time 
w32tm /resync 
Check the System event log for error messages.

Where "NTP_servers,mode" is the name of the NTP server seperated with a comma from the mode used to contact that server. Multiple server,mode pairs can be listed, seperated by a space. For example: "time.windows.com,0x1 time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov,0x8 time.nist.gov,0x2 tick.usno.navy.mil,0x2". This string is stored in the registry at ..\W32Time\Parameters\NtpServer (not under "TimeProviders" as one might expect.)

Known time (NTP) servers: Also: http://tf.nist.gov/service/time-servers.html). Follow proper etiquette before using please.

The valid settings for the mode used with the /manualpeerlist switch include the following: ^

The /syncfromflags:MANUAL flag in the W32TM command above specifies that the list of NTP servers provided should be used as a time source. This is appropriate for a standalone server or the main controller in a local domain. All other servers should be set to /syncfromflags:DOMHIER which causes the system to sync from the domain controller. This setting is stored at ..\W32Time\Parameters\Type and has the following possible values: ^

See also: