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WKSTA_INFO_100 info  Overview  Group

The WKSTA_INFO_100 structure contains information about a workstation environment, including platform-specific information, the name of the domain and the local computer, and information concerning the LAN Manager software.

typedef struct _WKSTA_INFO_100 {
DWORD wki100_platform_id;
LPTSTR wki100_computername;
LPTSTR wki100_langroup;
DWORD wki100_ver_major;
DWORD wki100_ver_minor;


Indicates the information level to use to retrieve platform-specific information.
Points to a Unicode string containing the name of the local computer.
Points to a Unicode string containing the name of the domain to which the computer belongs.
Specifies the major version number of the LAN Manager software running on the computer.
Specifies the minor version number of the LAN Manager software running on the computer.

See Also

NetWkstaGetInfo, NetWkstaSetInfo