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The REPL_INFO_1001 structure specifies a count that the replicator uses
to synchronize the importer to the exporter.
typedef struct _REPL_INFO_1001 {
DWORD rp1001_pulse;
} REPL_INFO_1001, *PREPL_INFO_1001, *LPREPL_INFO_1001;
Specifies a multiplier count (the default setting is 2) for the rp1000_interval.
If the exporter fails to respond to an importer after rp1001_pulse
times rp1000_interval minutes, the importer sends a message to the
exporter asking for an update. If the exporter fails again to respond after
the same amount of time, the importer reports that the top-level directory is
not synchronized properly. If the exporter fails again to respond, the
importer will no longer notify the exporter. This state is reset as soon as
the importer hears from the exporter and replicates successfully.
See Also