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TCM_ADJUSTRECT Overview  Group

The TCM_ADJUSTRECT message calculates a tab control�s display area given a window rectangle or calculates the window rectangle that would correspond to a specified display area. You can send this message explicitly or by using the TabCtrl_AdjustRect macro.


wParam = (WPARAM) (BOOL) fLarger;  // operation to perform 

lParam = (LPARAM) (LPRECT) prc;    // pointer to a RECT structure 



Operation to perform. If this parameter is TRUE, prc specifies a display rectangle and receives the corresponding window rectangle. If this parameter is FALSE, prc specifies a window rectangle and receives the corresponding display area.
Pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the given rectangle and receives the calculated rectangle.

Return Values

No return value.

See Also

RECT, TabCtrl_AdjustRect