The PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM message indicates that the system needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect. An application should send this message only in response to the PSN_APPLY or PSN_KILLACTIVE notification message. You can send the PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM message explicitly or by using the PropSheet_RebootSystem macro.
PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM wParam = 0; lParam = 0;
No return value.
This message causes the PropertySheet function to return the ID_PSREBOOTSYSTEM value, but only if the user chooses the OK button to close the property sheet. It is the application�s responsibility to reboot the system, which can be done by using the ExitWindowsEx function.
This message supersedes all PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS messages that precede or follow it.
ExitWindowsEx, PropertySheet, PropSheet_RebootSystem, PSN_APPLY, PSN_KILLACTIVE, PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS