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TreeView_SelectDropTarget info Overview GroupThe TreeView_SelectDropTarget macro redraws a specified tree-view control item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation. You can use this macro, the TreeView_Select macro, or explicitly send the TVM_SELECTITEM message. BOOL TreeView_SelectDropTarget(
Return ValuesReturns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise. RemarksIf the specified item is the child of a collapsed parent item, the parent�s list of child items is expanded to reveal the specified item. In this case, the parent window receives the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED notification messages. Using the TreeView_SelectDropTarget macro is equivalent to sending the TVM_SELECTITEM message with its flag parameter set to the TVGN_DROPHILITE value. See AlsoTreeView_Select, TVM_SELECTITEM, TVN_ITEMEXPANDED, TVN_ITEMEXPANDING |