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ListView_SetItem info Overview GroupThe ListView_SetItem macro sets some or all of a list view item�s attributes. You can also use ListView_SetItem to set the text of a subitem. You can use this macro or explicitly send the LVM_SETITEM message. BOOL ListView_SetItem(
Return ValuesReturns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise. RemarksTo set the attributes of a list-view item, set the iItem member of the LV_ITEM structure to the index of the item; set the iSubItem member to zero. For an item, you can set the state, pszText, iImage, and lParam members of the LV_ITEM structure. To set the text of a subitem, set the iItem and iSubItem members to indicate the specific subitem, and use the pszText member to specify the text. Alternatively, you can use the ListView_SetItemText macro to set the text of a subitem. You cannot set the state, iImage, or lParam members for subitems, because subitems do not have these attributes. See Also |