ON 20010802@2:35:38 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/index.htm moong_sys-yahoo-es added 'Questions: Have any person code for read and writte a sle4442 memory card with a 16f8XX.' ON 20010802@9:34:27 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/index.htm h-sss-536a mohammed rafeeq khan added 'Questions: http://www.piclist.com/techref/hmrkhan@yahoo.com Dear sir, I am new to PIC programing . I have assambled hardware for pic programing using 74ls05 and two transisters for lpt1 port I downloded some .hex files from internet and i tried to burn the Pic but its not working. using software like picprog, pix etc.. When i losd .hex file to picprog . I got warning massage "missing divice Id value" when i grograme the pic i got massage that programe filled at 0000h what can i do please help me to burn pic's waiting for your early replay. hmrkhan@yahoo.com '