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The "Official" public release of the Scott Edwards Electronics PIC Source
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Like a Basic Stamp in Atmel
Disguise. This is Tiny51 Basic.
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And if you like that, then don't click on
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are sitting down.
Now Available in Microchip Code
A combination of the
efforts of Scott Edwards Electronics, Bubble Software, and
by Scott Edwards, 1994
The PIC Source Book was written in 1993 to provide users of the Parallax PIC programming tools with a ready-made collection of assembly code in Parallax assembly mnemonics. At the time, there were four PICs: 16C54, 55, 56, and 57. The popular '84 and ADC-equipped '71 were brand new. Since then, Microchip has made dozens of architectural enhancements to the PICs, and made its assembler available free via the net and CD-ROM. This has diminished interest in both the 5x PICs and the Parallax assembler.
As a result of these changes, the Source Book is reaching the end of its commercial life. Rather than discontinue it, the author has decided to make it available free via the Internet.
Free means free. You may use this material in any way you wish without obligation to the author. The author bears no liability for the consequences of such use, and will not support users of this free edition in any way. He will not be obliged to answer questions or respond to comments. Any of you who have been besieged with e-mail during Senior Project season will appreciate the wisdom of getting this out in the open right up front!
The book lists some utilities and extras on "the accompanying disk." Unfortunately, people other than the author hold the rights to these items, so they cannot be included with this online freebie.
PIC is a registered trademark of Microchip Technologies Inc.; BASIC Stamp is a registered trademark of Parallax Inc.
For those that keep asking, the executable files mentioned in the sentence above means any .exe file. All executable files have been removed. This is to overcome copyright problems with the distribution of the disk. If you need the executable files, you will have to get them yourself. They should still be available on the Parallax site as given above.
Download the PIC Source
Book/Disk. 129K.
After downloading you can then use the command:
pkunzip -d seepsb.zip a:
to write the correct directory structure to a floppy in your A: Drive.
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