Andrew Sorriaux's [Andrew.Sorriaux at] version of
Tony Nixons Pocket Programmer
- asks: "
Greetings, great port from the tony nixons project.
Is it possible for you to send me the drawings of the 2 PCB's?
Fernando Santos"
James Newton of James Newton's Massmind replies: If I had them, I would send them. Perhaps you can contact Andrew? I'm not sure if his eMail address is still valid.
- asks: "
can this programmer support 16F887 too?"
James Newton replies: I'm not sure, but the starting point to try to find out would be the chip data file. You may be able to find another chip that is close to the same and modify the entry to add support.
- asks: "
Hi, excellent programmer, where can i find the Andrew Sorriaux's pcb drawings? i want a single side one, can you help me?"