 |	Planet Fastest Unsigned PICmicro Math				|
 |	(c) 1999 Jose Luiz Pinto Souto					|
 |	    souto (at ) cryogen.com					|
 |									|
 |									|
 |	Compiled with CC5X, see also CC5xfree, a free 1K limited	|
 |	C compiler from B. Knudsen Data - http://bknd.com/. 		|
 |									|
 |	For algorithm details see Microchip's application note AN617.	|
 |	PICmicro is registered Trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.	|
 |      Alpha version - please report any bug to e-mail above.          |
 |      If any faster algorithm is found, please report.                |

Notes for assembly language programmers:

See also:
