ON 20040302@1:55:42 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/books.htm#38048.0803472222 Rob Hamerling[RH-planet-b] Says ON 20040302@8:34:36 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/links.htm#38048.3339814815 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] published post 38048.3339814815 feedback@damnsoft.org refers to
http://www.damnsoft.org I've written a PIC dissasembler which is not the big deal but it's GPL and have some nice features. It works under Linux and DOS (as consecuence, it works under WinXX too)
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'PICList post "4x4 Keypad and LCD in 1 port" ERROR: Can't email. 553 Null recipient not accepted ON 20040303@10:39:51 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/spi.htm#38049.4443402778 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] archive reference http://www.piclist.org/techref/postbot.asp?by=time&id=piclist/2004/03/03/105839a PICList post "AVR, PIC or ..." Bit Bang SPI output in 40 instructions, 40 cycles, 160 clocks ON 20040307@7:45:02 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/time.htm#38053.275625 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 38053.275625 |Delete 'dulanjalie@yahoo.com asks:
Dear sir/mam,
I'm suppose to program a pic to detect heart rate. My plan is to detect time for atleast 5 pulses and calculate tha rate per min. So pls help me to get the time and a method to divide inorder to calculate the rate
  • ' ON 20040316@3:43:23 PM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/16f876-hint-tk.htm#38062.562962963 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 38062.562962963 |Delete 'eafares265@hotmail.com asks:
    Hallo, my name is Elie Fares from Lebanon i am trying to find a pic with a program that can receive from the seriel port using xon/xoff with all about protocol and wiring and that maybe used for fullduplex connectivity thank you a lot.
  • ' ON 20040317@5:44:05 PM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/devprogs.htm#38063.7143171296 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 38063.7143171296 |Delete 'kioteh@yahoo.com asks:
    Ok, we are very new to PIC programming and are trying to figure out if it is possible to read a program off of a PIC 16F870 so that we can modify it a little to make it better fit our project. Can anyone help us?
  • ' ON 20040319@10:17:06 PM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/tris.htm#38063.8108333333 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 38063.8108333333 |Delete 'ahmadnubli@hotmail.com asks: " How do I write code to make my 877; port a0 as an input(input high) and the other seven (port a) as output. In C language. "
  • ' ON 20040321@12:12:21 AM at page: http://www.sxlist.commicrochip/16f877adsamp.htm#38063.8651736111 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] published post 38063.8651736111 s22793@rmc.ca asks:
    Hello to all, I am presently trying to program the PIC 16F876 to read in 3 analogue values on 3 different channels and saving these values to different registers, for some reason, I cannot seem to get the proper values. I am using the C port to display what is being read onto the led's so i can see. I was wondering if you might have time and would not mind taking a look at my code because i just can't get it. for testing purposes, I only call one of the routines in the main at a time because i know that it would execute way to fast for me to see anything on the leds.

    Thank you for your time and patience

    Tania Maurice
    __config _LVP_OFF & _RC_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _CP_OFF & _BODEN_ON & _DEBUG_OFF
    LIST p=16f876
    include "p16f876.inc"

    org 0x000
    goto Start
    org 0x004

    Est equ 0x20
    Nord equ 0x24
    Ouest equ 0x26
    ;Set up for A/D convergion
    bsf STATUS,RP0
    bcf STATUS,RP1
    movlw H'00'
    movwf TRISC
    movlw H'00'
    movwf TRISB
    clrf ADCON1
    bcf STATUS,RP0
    clrf ADCON0
    clrf PORTC
    clrf Ouest
    clrf Est
    clrf Nord
    clrf PORTB

    goto Main


    ; clrf PORTC
    ; clrf Ouest
    ; clrf Est
    ; clrf Nord
    clrf ADRESH
    movlw B'10000001'
    movwf ADCON0

    bsf ADCON0,GO


    btfsc ADCON0,GO
    goto WaitOuest

    movf ADRESH,W
    movwf Ouest
    movf Ouest,W
    movwf PORTC
    clrf ADRESH
    ; LIRE A/D CHANNEL 1 , Nord

    ; clrf PORTC
    ; clrf Ouest
    ; clrf Est
    ; clrf Nord
    clrf ADRESH
    movlw B'10001001'
    movwf ADCON0
    bsf ADCON0,GO


    btfsc ADCON0,GO
    goto WaitNord

    movf ADRESH,W
    movwf Nord
    movf Nord,W
    movwf PORTC
    clrf ADRESH
    clrf PORTC
    clrf Est
    movlw B'10010001'
    movwf ADCON0
    bsf ADCON0,GO


    btfsc ADCON0,GO
    goto WaitEst

    movf ADRESH,W
    movwf Est
    movf Est,W
    movwf PORTC
    clrf ADRESH


    call ad_portcOuest
    call ad_portcNord
    call ad_portcEst

    ; goto Main

    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'einkarem82@yahoo.com asks: " how to program PIC to apply PWM?
    mohammad abdullah."
  • ' ON 20040324@10:52:31 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/ios.htm#38068.948599537 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] removed post 38068.948599537 |Delete 'geet_geetika@sify.com asks: " WE WANT TO CONFIGURE PIC 16F873 FOR ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION OF SPEECH DATA FOR THE VHF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION."
  • ' ON 20040324@11:07:10 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/devprogs.htm#38070.3480324074 James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 38070.3480324074 |Insert 'Great!' at: '' i am have found this site quite useful
    javier from pamplona |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: '
    Keywords: (if anyone looks for this code using a search engine) compare comparing 16-bit signed integer integers DS1820 DS18B20 DALLAS thermometer
    I wrote this code after spending several hours on the net looking for a readymade example.
    I wanted to build a thermometer based on the Dallas DS1820, and have a minimum-maximum reading. This requires a signed-16-bit (2's complement) subtraction. Finally I got this (not so optimized):
    ;Compare 16-bit signed integer (2's complement) to minimum & maximum.
    ;First byte is LSB (as in the DS1820 thermometer), second byte is MSB
    ;compare to MINIMUM:
    	btfsc	zeroMinMaxFlag
    	goto	setMin
    	movf	temperature,w
    	subwf	min,w		;subtract LSB (low byte)
    	movf	temperature+1,w
    	btfss	STATUS,C
    	addlw	1
    	subwf	min+1,w		;subtract MSB (hi byte)
    	andlw	b'10000000'	;test result's sign bit
    	btfss	STATUS,Z
    	goto	skipSetMin
    	movf	temperature,w
    	movwf	min
    	movf	temperature+1,w
    	movwf	min+1
    ;compare to MAXIMUM:
    	btfsc	zeroMinMaxFlag
    	goto	setMax
    	movf	temperature,w
    	subwf	max,w		;subtract LSB (low byte)
    	movf	temperature+1,w
    	btfss	STATUS,C
    	addlw	1
    	subwf	max+1,w		;subtract MSB (hi byte)
    	andlw	b'10000000'	;test result's sign bit
    	btfsc	STATUS,Z
    	goto	skipSetMax
    	movf	temperature,w
    	movwf	max
    	movf	temperature+1,w
    	movwf	max+1
    |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: '