ON 20030502@11:26:45 PM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/ios.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37742.3663888889 http://www.bobblick.com/techref/projects/lcdterm/lcdterm.html Correct link to Bob Blick's LCD RS232 terminal. |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' http://devicedatabase.dataman.com This is a really great free online database of PIC
chip infomration and datasheets etc. Features loads
of other chips as well, over 12000 in all.

|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'Matthew A Krutar of Personal ON 20030508@7:18:26 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/16f87xeeprom.htm MRL-FAU-IAA Michael R. Lebert published post 37749.2971759259 ionel_z@stus.usv.ro asks: " How to programer the pic 17C766?
" |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'ionel_z@stus.usv.ro asks: " How to programer the pic 17C766?
" ' ON 20030510@9:37:10 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/16f877cpde.htm HM-student-933 Hieu Mathews Questions: Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone can show me how to bulk erase a pic16f873, because there is code protection on it and i cant reprogram the chip. When i use mplab, i set the config bits to code protect=disable but i didnt actually put the config line in the program (thinking setting it in mplab would be enough) and the code protect got enabled some how when i programmed my chip :( Can someone please explain to me how i could avoid this when i do it next time? I'm still very new with programming micros so some help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Email: s4027914@student.uq.edu.au ON 20030511@8:31:35 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/links.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton published post 37749.2942361111 tzhang@wtusm.edu.cn refers to " http://elenet.yeah.net http://elenet.yeah.net
make a full band FM receiver---control a Fi1256/mk2 use pic16f84 ,also, control it use pc via parallel port." |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' The last errata I saw for the PIC18C parts says not to use the
LFSR instruction as item #1, so it seems to me that some of
these differences are not really valid. |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'jenny@cs.com asks:
How can I reduce the sensitivity of the RB0/INT external interrupt on the PIC 16F628? I have an system where I want to trigger an interrupt (based on the RB0/INT pin) when IR data is received through a transceiver and IR encoder/decoder chip... but the interrupt is constantly being triggered before I even send some IR data to the receiver. My thought is that the INT pin is so sensitive that it triggers the interrupt due to any small spike in voltage coming from the IR encoder/decoder.

I there any way I can decrease this sensitivity so that the system works properly??
|Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: ' /techref/microchip/language/c/io/lcd/hitachilcd-ak/index.htm Character LCD Interface |Delete 'P-' before: '' but after: 'bitbanging at low clock speeds, and some C code..." ON 20030518@9:36:28 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/links.htm MK-elab-OA8 Miroslav Kostecki Says ON 20030518@9:39:00 PM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/links.htm MK-elab-OA8 Miroslav Kostecki Says CoreChart Graphical Assembler is available FREE for 30 days at www.elabtronics.com ON 20030520@7:52:43 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/crcs.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37760.366400463 |Delete ' idiots!' ON 20030524@8:35:12 AM at page: http://www.piclist.commicrochip/devprogs.htm JMN-EFP-786 James Newton removed post 37765.2942361111 |Delete ' /techref/microchip/monelfarra@yahoo.com good after noon , really iam using win2000 and so the icprog software became not applicable so please send me a version that is applicable with win2000 .
please ' ON 20030527@2:55:42 PM at page: http://massmind.org/techref/microchip/compcon.htm DAV-MP-E62a David A Cary edited the page. Difference: http://massmind.org/techref/diff.asp?url=H:\techref\microchip\compcon.htm&version=3 ON 20030528@6:47:53 AM at page: http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/pocketprog.htm RSL-SIS-358 Ryan Supan Leis Questions: can I use 24lc64 for the eeprom outright? or do I need to do some code modification coz it's hard to get it here in the philippines can anybody help me out? ON 20030528@7:34:58 AM at page: http://piclist.com/techref/microchip/rs232.htm eugene-ksf- Says ON 20030528@8:08:46 AM at page: http://piclist.com/techref/microchip/rs232.htm eugene-ksf- Code:
Yet another software implementation of RS-232 routines: any baud rate at any clock frequency (up to F/10); CTS/RTS flow control. 
Maximum speed achived @ 4 Mhz is 230400.

<p>Bit timing errors</p>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=152>
   <td width=49 nowrap valign=top>Clock/Rate</td>
   <td width=47 nowrap valign=top>4 MHz</td>
   <td width=57 valign=top>10 MHz</td>
  <td width=49 nowrap valign=top>57600</td>
  <td width=47 nowrap valign=top>2.7%</td>
  <td width=57 nowrap valign=top>1.0%</td>
  <td width=49 nowrap valign=top>115200</td>
  <td width=47 nowrap valign=top>5.1%</td>
  <td width=57 nowrap valign=top>2.3%</td>
  <td width=49 nowrap valign=top>230400</td>
  <td width=47 nowrap valign=top>8.8%</td>
  <td width=57 valign=top>4.1%</td>
  <td width=49 nowrap valign=top>460800</td>
  <td width=47 nowrap valign=top>23%</td>
  <td width=57 valign=top>8.3%</td>
  <td width=49 nowrap valign=top>921600</td>
  <td width=47 nowrap valign=top>-</td>
  <td width=57 valign=top>16%</td>
ON 20030528@8:10:13 AM at page: http://piclist.com/techref/microchip/rs232.htm eugene-ksf- I have agreed to maintain this page. ON 20030528@8:12:29 AM at page: http://piclist.com/techref/microchip/rs232.htm eugene-ksf- edited the page. Difference: http://piclist.com/techref/diff.asp?url=H:\techref\microchip\rs232.htm&version=6 ON 20030528@8:16:18 AM at page: http://piclist.com/techref/microchip/rs232.htm eugene-ksf- removed post 37769.3394097222 |Delete ' shares this code:
Yet another software implementation of RS-232 routines: any baud rate at any clock frequency (up to F/10); CTS/RTS flow control. 
Maximum speed achived @ 4 Mhz is 230400.

Bit timing errors

Clock/Rate 4 MHz 10 MHz
57600 2.7% 1.0%
115200 5.1% 2.3%
230400 8.8% 4.1%
460800 23% 8.3%
921600 - 16%
' ON 20030528@8:52:07 AM at page: http://piclist.com/techref/microchip/rs232.htm eugene-ksf- See also: /techref/member/eugene-ksf-/index.htm Yet another software implementation of RS-232 routines: any baud rate at any clock frequency (up to F/10); CTS/RTS flow control.
Maximum speed achived @ 4 Mhz is 230400.