List of pseudo mnemomics understood by MPASM

The latest MPASM/MPLAB User's Guides contain a
table showing this and all other pseudo-ops understood by MPASM;
here's the list:


     Name                Mnemonic       Equivalent       Status
Clear Carry                CLRC        BCF      3,0        -
Clear Digit Carry          CLRDC       BCF      3,1        -
Set Digit Carry            SETDC       BSF      3,1        -
Clear Zero                 CLRZ        BCF      3,2        -
Set Zero                   SETZ        BSF      3,2        -
Skip on Carry              SKPC        BTFSS    3,0        -
Skip on No Carry           SKPNC       BTFSC    3,0        -
Skip on Digit Carry        SKPDC       BTFSS    3,1        -
Skip on No Digit Carry     SKPNDC      BTFSC    3,1        -
Skip on Zero               SKPZ        BTFSS    3,2        -
Skip on Non Zero           SKPNZ       BTFSC    3,2        -
Test File                  TSTF f      MOVF     f,1        Z
Move File to W             MOVFW f     MOVF     f,0        Z
Negate File                NEGF f,d    COMF     f,1
                                       INCF     f,d        Z
Add Carry to File          ADDCF f,d   BTFSC    3,0
                                       INCF     f,d        Z
Subtract Carry from File   SUBCF f,d   BTFSC    3,0
                                       DECF     f,d        Z
Add Digit Carry to File    ADDDCF f,d  BTFSC    3,1
                                       INCF     f,d        Z
Subtract Digit             SUBDCF f,d  BTFSC    3,1
Carry from File                        DECF     f,d        Z
Branch                     B k         GOTO     k          -
Branch on Carry            BC k        BTFSC    3,0
                                       GOTO     k          -
Branch on No Carry         BNC k       BTFSS    3,0
                                       GOTO     k          -
Branch on Digit Carry      BDC k       BTFSC    3,1
                                       GOTO     k          -
Branch on No Digit Carry   BNDC k      BTFSS    3,1
                                       GOTO     k          -
Branch on Zero             BZ k        BTFSC    3,2
                                       GOTO     k          -
Branch on Non Zero         BNZ k       BTFSS    3,2
                                       GOTO     k          -
Call across page boundary  LCALL k     BCF 3,5 or BSF 3,5
                                       BCF 3,6 or BSF 3,6
                                       CALL     k

By the way, don't bother using the "LCALL" pseudo-op... Since it
doesn't restore the code-page bits after the CALL, it's sorta
useless.  Also, be careful with the pseudo-ops that assemble to two
instructions; constructs like the following, for instance, will cause
you great pain and suffering:

    ; DON'T DO THIS!

    BTFSS   FLAGS,SWITCH    ;If the switch is pressed, skip ahead.
    NEGF    REG             ;Otherwise, negate the REG register.



Andrew Russell Morris Says:

Thanks a lot! A consultant my former employer hired used BZ and BNZ extensively. I have also been using them as well, but I didn't know where they came from and I wanted to know if there were any more of them. Also, I needed to be sure that they would reliably work. This posting helped me. Thanks a lot!
the_audio_technician-gmail- replies:
By the way, don't bother using the "LCALL" pseudo-op... Since it doesn't restore the code-page bits after the CALL, it's sorta useless.
Not true. The reason LCALL doesn't restore page bits is that it doesn't need to! Even though PICs' program counters are only 8-bit, you'll find that the stack (on a PIC with 2K words program memory) is 11 bits wide, so that, once you've set your PCLATH bits properly to CALL the routine (on another memory page), the PC will load all the necessary bits from the stack to return to one location past the CALL, even if it's on another page. In other words, RTFM - or in this case - RTDS (Read the F'in Data Sheet :)
the_audio_technician-gmail- replies: BTW, if it weren't done this way, you'd only be able to call a given subroutine from one page — as the "RETURN" page bits would have to be set in the subroutine, so it would always return to the same page (no matter where you called it from). If that were the case, then you're right — it would be pretty useless. Luckily it's not.

the_audio_technician-gmail- replies: BTW, if it weren't done this way, you'd only be able to call a given subroutine from one page — as the "RETURN" page bits would have to be set in the subroutine, so it would always return to the same page (no matter where you called it from). If that were the case, then you're right — it would be pretty useless. Luckily it's not.